Monday, February 25, 2008

Police on Trial

Man shot and killed by police on his wedding day after attending his bachelor party.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

$15.5 Million Awarded In Prison Sex Abuse Case

Hundreds of women inmates were abused by male workers and one group has now been awarded a large sum of money. There are 490 inmates total with complaints and the trials should involve 10 women at a time.

DA Possibly In Contempt of Court

A Texas prosecutor has deleted thousands of incriminating emails after having been ordered to turn them over.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Cop Pimps Out Teen Prostitute

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Two Men Charged With Murder 15 Years After the Fact

The men had been serving time for the beating of the woman, which occurred 15 years ago. They now will face homicide charges.

Death Sentence Commuted

Prosecutors had failed to turn over potentially favorable evidence.

No Protection Order Issued, Wife Ends Up Dead